Wilson’s Funeral Advice clearly and helpfully answers questions people often have about funerals, but don’t know who to ask.
Our writers have experience with and knowledge about funerals; they also carefully research their answers to ensure they are correct.
As a second stage, we thoroughly fact check everything before they go on the site.
Senior writer: Taylor Steed

As an Environmental Scientist in Florida, I performed environmental assessments on funeral homes in the southwestern United States. My assessment work gave me a keen understanding of the funeral, burial, and cremation processes.
As part of my undergraduate thesis, I also studied green burials,living cemeteries, and the obstacles facing their implementation in the United States.
As someone who has organized several funerals myself, I understand how overwhelming and challenging the process can be. I hope I can use my professional and personal knowledge to help others easily access the information they need.
I have now spent ten years producing technical reports, educational materials, and informative articles. My husband and I spend our free time hiking, camping, and travelling throughout Japan. We are also the proud parents of a spirited turtle named Mookie.
Writer: Allison Whitehead

I’m a writer through and through and have been for many years. However, I’ve also had a few other jobs, including working in a care home for the elderly.
That was many years ago now, but I learned and experienced a lot there, providing end of life care in many cases.
Writer: Carrie Mullinix

I am a writer and educator who has also helped hundreds of families through the pre-planning process, and seen them through until after a death has occurred and the burial has taken place.
I spent the first ten years of my career in the proprietary education industry, helping adults go back to school and earn their college degree in Texas, Nebraska, and Kansas.
After making final arrangements over ten years ago for my Aunt who passed away in a motorcycle accident, I discovered my calling. My family had a difficult time coping with the death.
Going through the process made me realize I can make a difference in helping families make arrangements in advance, and also provide assistance after a death has occurred, by making things as simple and smooth as possible. I hold a bachelors and masters degree in business.
I now live in Denver, CO and have 4 children ranging in age from 21 to 13. I enjoy writing informational articles to dog owners on my blog: Everythinggoldendoodle.com, love to read, attend concerts, and spend time outside walking my dog, Cooper, whenever possible.